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CR - 4030558132
Contact Info
7049 Moustafa Abdel Aal Hijazi Al- Jawharah Dist.3147 Jeddah Saudi Arabia
CR - 4030558132
Capabilities & Services
Kyan Perfect Company has the capability to execute and provide services as follows:
Electrical & Instrumentation works
Mechanical Works
Civil Works
Preparation of Bid packages for EPC tenders, Technical and Commercial
Basic and detailed design verification
NMR preparation, review and approval
Method statement, JSA and Risk assessment preparation
Electrical and Instrumentation Works
Installation of 380/132 KV GIS switchgear
Installation, Testing commissioning and oil filtration of Transformers up to 750 MVA.
Installation, Testing commissioningof MV/LV and control panels
Maintenance/Replacement of Transformer and panels
Installation of Generators, Rectifiers, UPS and Battey banks
HV Cable Laying and testing
MV/LV and control cable laying and testing
Erection of OHL gantries and overhead lines
Installation of DCS/ESD/VMS System
Installation of fire alarm and fire detection system
Installation of CCTV system and configuration
Lightening and grounding system
Mechanical Works
Erection of Equipment’s but not limited to Vessels, Columns, Exchangers, Compressors, Turbines, Pumps & Other Equipment’s.
Process piping, Utility piping, Fire water piping
Spool fabrication and painting
Erection of Industrial structure, Pipe racks and platforms
Hydrotest, pressure test of piping and valves
Civil Works
Excavation and concerting of heavy equipment’s foundations
Construction of industrial buildings
Pipe rack and electrical raceway foundations
Surface preparation, leveling and Road works
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Project done
Power Generation
Happy Clients
Completed Co.
Switchgear Panels
Country Cover
Grounding System
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